Thursday, March 26, 2009


Especially when, as in Needlenoggin's case, it seems like all the professionals he runs into are out to get him (Medi-Cal and the Rehab center, specifically). However, it occurred to me over the last few days, that if you're looking for a rule of thumb on the "who to trust" question, I may have one:

Trust the people that saved your life

In this case I mean Dr. K- from the previous post (as well as her superior, Dr. F-) and the Oakland Firefighters.

Dr. K met us, during clinic hours, to sign paperwork in order to get Needlenoggin some in-home-care, and managed to get Needlenoggin signed up for a real physical therapy appointment in a month! This AFTER saving him in that whole "spinal surgery" thing.

Then, the Oakland Firefighters' Random Acts Organization. Oh guys, you have NO IDEA how much you mean to us. As if these men hadn't become our heroes when they came to Needlenoggin's fall, or when they brought my children toys, or when they named Needlenoggin a citizen hero, or when they managed to get him some medical equipment. As if these men, and their fearless leader Ms. C-, hadn't made Needlenoggin's whole year by inviting him to be involved in their dinner-dance-fundraiser as a guest-of-honor. No, thye go above and beyond even that. Turns out that while we've been searching, in vain, for someone, anyone, to help with Needlenoggin's recovery, his story has spread, and they have a connection to chiropractic care. This means that Needlenoggin will be able to get some evaluation and some exercise and therapy ideas from highly trained professionals (instead of, you know, me), from people who know his situation.

AND, to top it all off, Needlenoggin was able to meet, and receive treatment from, the founder of one of the top Orthopedic Massage and Manual Therapy methods in the nation. He was a practice patient at a clinic here in the bay:

While Little Monkey made friends with the therapists in attendance:

Thank you everyone who is working on making Needlenoggin better!